Crafting a Sustainable Regional Food System Inventory
This guide provides practical steps, lessons, and an adaptable methodology to help any regional food data practitioner collect, manage and maintain their food systems inventory data. This report reviews CRAFT’s regional food system inventory efforts and highlights our flexible methodology for sourcing, aggregating, and cleaning data that we believe to be feasible and sustainable for organizations of varying capacity. Last updated May 2023.
Resources for Food Systems Practitioners
This bibliography make information more readily available to anyone interested in current literature centering around mechanisms for sustainable food systems. It provides an organized and categorized list of sources that may be of interest to those involved anywhere in the food value chain or related work. It includes previous research and findings, pre-existing toolkits full of resources, literature reviews, information from federal agencies, and more.
Commercial Kitchen Capacity Analysis of Allegheny County
Info-graphic summarizing the analysis of commercial kitchen infrastructure in Allegheny County undertaken in an effort to better understand our region's capacity to support innovation within the food industry. Shared-used Kitchen Spaces (SUKS) and the food entrepreneurs who use them were surveyed to identify existing assets, gaps in service, barriers to entry, and other disconnects. Last updated December 2018.