

Amidst the chaos of reality, we stood waiting for the end.

With frayed hearts but souls bright.

We’ve been through so much, yet we stand strong;

As an oak when the stormy winds cut through the night.

The damage is irreplaceable, the loss seeks no respite.

But yet it eked out kindness, from the uncanny.

We’ve been through so much, yet we stand strong;

As a mountain when the stormy winds cut through the night.

Our forlorn mind might forget in the years to follow, but our ardent hearts shouldn’t.

Even in the harshest of storms, our solidarity is our greatest might.

-Archish Kashikar

As we power through these uncertain times, I find myself wanting to speak up for the countless friends, families, and colleagues that have faced a mighty blow, after the shutdown of the restaurant and hospitality industries. As a former chef, I have stood where they stand and often wonder what I would do if my life had been turned upside-down in the span of a few days. Amidst the debate of “essential” or “non-essential”, panic and chaos we tend to forget our humanity for those who have lost their means of supporting themselves and their families.

Food transcends borders, it defines the core of our existence and creates unity in diversity. Food is a necessity in any crisis and when uncertainty hits, we should do all that we possibly can to cherish and preserve the food, staff, and establishments that pour in their blood, sweat, and tears every day. They give up their social lives in order to serve their community, and now is our time to give back. I write this, urging all fellow readers and food lovers alike, to stand by your favourite restaurants, bakeries and food outlets, because they are the ones suffering on the sidelines. A gift card, a takeout meal, or a simple donation, or even if all that is too overwhelming, just making their voices for help heard would go miles to help small restaurants in keeping themselves and their staff afloat in these desperate times.

To all the restaurant and hospitality workers, it is hard right now and I can’t say it will be easy to power through, especially due to an increasing number of issues. But I will try to encourage you by saying “Be strong, for we can change the world with food.”